Thursday, November 6, 2008

Election, drink, and have someone else work and pay your taxes, for tomorrow you die!

Warning! If you are someone who voted for Obama and who gets offended by political talk and the commentary of a conservative, then stop reading now or I am not responsible for your feeling defensive! Read at your own risk!

The election is over. As quickly as it started, it is over. In a way, I am disappointed, only because I got such a kick out of hearing the completely uneducated people talk about how wonderfully utopian our society would be once Obama took over. The Howard Stern show, for example, asked a woman, "How do you like Obama's vice presidential choice, Sarah Palin?" (Yes, I said Sarah Palin...while you and I know it should be Biden, that is the point of this story...the woman was CLUELESS!) The woman replied, "Oh, I think she's great! I really like that he chose her!" The same lady was asked what she thought about Obama leaving the troops in Iraq? "I think it's a great idea. I am glad he is going to do that!" And then the lady on election day who, on National Radio, said, "I'm not going to have to pay my mortgage or my car payment or buy gas once Obama wins!" The sad thing is, HOW MANY PEOPLE REALLY BELIEVED THIS STUFF? What gets me most is, I was talking to someone on my facebook about some of the stuff Obama said, like the comment he made about putting the coal companies out of business and that he stands for socialism and has some very liberal views, and another friend had the nerve to say that us Republicans are using scare tactics to try to get people to vote for McCain. How asinine is THAT!? Scare tactics? How about quoting STRAIGHT from the HORSE'S mouth? How can there be any arguing of pure and simple fact? Leave it to the democrats to find a way. They were comparing Obama to Palin as if Palin was running for president because there wasn't enough flaw to find in McCain...that's like comparing your mama to my cockatoo. They aren't even in the same league. When Sarah runs for President, then let's talk about her in comparison to the other presidential candidate, but until then, we should only have been comparing her to Biden, but NO....we didn't spend time looking at how qualified he is, see tabloids about him, hear about his fashion or his glasses or his imperfect family. WAIT? I hear you saying his family IS perfect? Okay...I should have done better research, but I thought that there aren't any perfect families out there. The funny thing is, you never heard anyone saying, "When McCain takes office, we're all going to get free groceries" or any other asinine thing like that. That's because people who were voting for McCain UNDERSTOOD his values, researched who he was, and didn't just go on blind worshipping ignorance perpetuated by the media. That's not to say that some democrats didn't do their research, but I'd really be interested to know how many actually did! It makes me wonder, however, when I hear someone really intelligent tell me, "All that is just scare tactics" when it's all based on FACTUAL research. Did this intelligent person even do their research as I would have guessed? Or why would they be telling me that something quoted directly from the mouth of their Presidential choice wasn't true? Did they even know what Obama said or didn't say? McCain voters knew all about Obama AND McCain...many Obama voters seemed to know next to nothing about McCain...or Obama for that matter!

Some might say I am just being bitter because McCain lost, but in reality, it's not that at all. I don't lose sleep over this election. I know the world will go on. It is just that I do think a lot, and I rarely take the time to put my thoughts on paper or to share them with anyone else. Did you ever think that most of the Classics (I am talking books, the ones that have been around for centuries!) have some kind of hidden political undertone that they are centered around? Well, back then they had to hide behind putting their deep thoughts into books because coming right out and saying them wasn't this country (at least for today) it is allowed and I will orate as I feel the urge to do so. The thing that lingers for me following this election is, NOW? When I am having a child? But I like America the way it is! We all have roofs over our heads, we have shoes on our feet, we have food in our bellies, we have the freedom to worship as we choose, we are all pretty much spoiled. Don't get me wrong, I know there are people out there who don't have all of these things, but the majority of us do, and we work hard. What better way to discourage an already increasingly lazy country to not want to work? Who would need to if the working people of the nation will pay for their ride? If you haven't lived in a socialist country, I HAVE! Do you know how many people lived off the government simply because they COULD? It wasn't a pretty sight. I really hope we don't head that direction as a country! I think back to what Clinton did and wonder how the parents of the world explained that one to their kids? It reminds me of the (new) Miracle on 34th Street when the news said, "Parents, you may want to take your kids out of the room for this next story. Tonight, Santa Claus is in jail." Whether the president's role is, for all intents and purposes, to be that of example or spiritual leader or NOT, he does take on that role anyway. I imagine parents saying to their kids of Clinton, "He's a good man, Honey. We have to respect him because he is our president. Just don't do what he does. Having sexual relations with other women besides his wife is none of our business because he is a person with a life, and he can do what he wants on his own time." YEAH RIGHT! When you are in office, all eyes are on you. Are mistakes acceptable? By all means, yes. But what about things that are disgustingly and obviously perverse. Fortunately my baby will still be a baby for the next 4 years, but I hope we haven't just headed down a path of increasingly lower morals and a nation with an attitude of "If it feels good, do it," which will permeate into our schools, our children's beliefs, normalizing things that years ago we wouldn't have imagined being acceptable. How do you explain to your kindergartener, 'God meant for man and woman to get married." Child: "Mommy, then why are they teaching us at school that women marry women and men marry men?" And, parent to child, 'Honey, taking the life of another is wrong, God taught us not to kill." Child: "Then why did the President tell us on TV that it's okay to kill babies if they aren't born yet?" Oh...I know this is all only speculation, that it may not come to this, but as a parent-to-be, I do have to wonder what the future will be like for this little girl and her siblings. I know I must not be the only one out here. The scariest part? How loose the morals of our nation already must be to vote for a man who has so few. It seems we are moving farther and farther away from being a nation who worships God and knows that In God We Trust(including doing the things He would want for such a blessed and wonderful nation He created) and more and more into becoming a nation who wants to ignore the consequences of choices and just live for today. After all, who wants to get up and go to work every day? Let's make sure to provide for the people who don't so they won't ever learn to be responsible and provide for themselves (and I am not talking about people who really fall on hard times, who lose their job through no fault of their own, who can benefit from welfare and food stamps for a period in time while they get themselves back on their feet).

A friend sent me the blog of her cousin that I found to be really quite informative. I am going to include a link to's the November 2nd entry that had so many awesome things in it! I especially like the comic about taking Obama's wealth...even if you only go there for that, it's worth it! The African American guy on u-tube is really funny (and true) too!


Anonymous said...

Nicely put.

I live in a country with socialised undertones.

It is not good. The lazy get lazier. They live off the hard working tax payers and get benefits for not working and staying in bed. I don't mind providing for the genuinely hard up.

Then there is the healthcare side of it. How many of Obama supporters are ready to wait 6 months to see a specialist. How many are willing to wait 12 months for a hip replacement.

When that day comes I bet they all complain about the wait.

America, do you know what you have done?

Pama aka Nana said...

Hi Noelle - I feel your pain. We are in for some tough and interesting times. I hope we can hang on for the ride.

Nichole Christensen said...

You guys have a blog!!! I AM SO EXCITED! :)

Michelle Ashton said...

I didn't know you had a blog! I am so glad. Now I can add you to mine....
Can't wait to see the pipctures of the baby.