Wednesday, January 28, 2009

This thing is driving me crazy...

Okay, so I officially don't like blogging. It is soooo complicated to navigate this site. I am wanting to add people's blogs to my blog so that I can look at them once in a blue moon when I actually find time to look at other people's blogs, but I can't even find where I ever added them on here. And come to find out, I guess I added them to the wrong place in the first place and I am not actually "following" anyone's blogs, whatever that means. Sheesh. I need like Blogging 101. There are wayyyyy too many buttons!!!!


Michelle Ashton said...

It is really easy once you get the hang of it. I will help walk you through it after I get off work.

corbanandnoelle said...

Thanks so much! Not tonight cuz I have work (and I have work tomorrow night) for only a few hours. Friday or Saturday, maybe?

Erin said...

And you know I'm willing to help! Just let me know.

Michelle Ashton said...

I will just send you and email or post it as a reply on here. It doesn't need to be over the phone. :)