Friday, August 7, 2009

Filing these blogs into months

Does anyone know how to get my blog to file these posts month by month ("as if she writes often enough to do that!"...I know you were thinking it!) But, part of my problem with blogging is that I can't figure out things like that and it annoys me that it is not user-friendly enough to do what seems so simple!

Since it has been brought to my attention that my blog is LACKING!

In case you haven't noticed, I stink at this blogging thing. I am crippled by something called perfectionism. I aspire to be a writer, and yet so little do I write these days! I go in spurts, hoping to find more time to write as Corelle gets older (and she is getting to an age where she can entertain herself for longer periods of time!) but the time just never comes. My problem is, once I sit down to write, I want to write a novel everyday, and honestly, who, with an infant, has that kind of time!? I would love to blog every day, but there are days when I feel productive and days when I don't! The days when I don't far outweigh the days when I do, but those are the days I am spending more time with dear Corellie, whether it be playing, reading, feeding, or even scrubbing poo off her bouncy chair or cleaning throw up off the floor!

Yes, for those of you who catch me playing FarmTown, it IS true that I do spend time doing such a thing, but that is because it requires one hand to click, click, click to plant, harvest and plow, and right or left, the hand doesn't matter, thus we are able to keep the milk supply evened out. I "farm" while Corelle is attached to my hip (well, boob to be exact!), and then when she isn't attached, I am frantically trying to get dinner made, some room in the house cleaned, or running off to work.

Breastfeeding, I have learned, takes MANY hours out of my day since she doesn't care much for solids and is needing to eat more and more and MORE as she GROWS. She likes Mum Mums and Graduate PUFFS and sweet potatoes when she is hungry enough, but for the most part she is a dairy-loving kind of kid! It was not until THIS week that she decided to test out her newly grown two bottom teeth and CHOMP on mom. I sort of yelled at her. I admit it! I am not much of a yeller, but if something involves pain, it sort of comes out of nowhere! The great thing is, she thinks it is funny and smiles up at me with her big blue eyes and her open-mouthed smile and looks at me like I am Brian Regan-taken-over-Mom's-body. I am not sure whose adoration runs deeper...mine or Corelle's! She also adores her daddy, who is (I have to admit) the cutest dad of all times. I keep telling him I want him to be as sweet-talking to me as he is to her (we are still working on that one, but I KNOW he can do it so we're off to a great start!)

My mom is doing well, all things considered...and my Grandma MAY get out of the hospital tomorrow. We are keeping her in our prayers as they have seemed to work thus far! We are grateful that my mom works for one of the best surgeons in the world and that he was able to find the adhesions and twisted colon that were making Grandma so skinny! Hopefully she will continue to get stronger and stronger!

Corelle just turned 8 months on August 6th and my BABY sister turns 16 (YES! SIXTEEN! I can't believe it either!) Time never seems to slow down and the world around me is constantly changing. I really do wish I could, as the song goes, "save time in a bottle."

Corban finished his third and second to last classes for his MBA yesterday. He has ONE MORE CLASS this fall, and then we are done! I will look forward to having him home more in the evenings, but as he said, "There will always be something!" and spoke of his desire to get his PhD in Physics (MY WORST NIGHTMARE!) So, I guess we will see what happens come December when he graduates. A job in Cedar was interested in him that has great medical benefits and full-retirement after 20 years, but that fell through. I thought to myself that God may not want us in Cedar City forever and so many new opportunities may arise when Corb finishes school. I actually felt somewhat relieved that it fell through because I don't feel ready to commit to Cedar forever before we see what doors the MBA will open up. I think it is safe to say that while I get excited for new adventures, there is a part of me that is comfortable with our lives and gets a little apprehensive about making a move in our lives that could be fun but could always be worse! Corb's job may demand an hour and a half of commuting each day, but it is a low stress job. What if he gets one that demands a lot more? We are truly comfortable right now, in spite of family being so far away and a lack of close friendships here in Cedar!

I must say farewell. I really do wish that I blogged every day. I will try my best to write more often, but the perfectionistic writer in me will not settle for two or three sentences, and thus gets pent up in me until I burst out in a tangent like THIS that probably no one has time to read anyway and which I certainly do not have time to do everyday!